
Forthcoming events

This page lists C2D3 events, University events, as well as related external conferences and events of interest to our members.

C2D3 Computational Biology Annual Symposium 2024
C2D3 event
Wednesday, 15 May 2024, 9.45am to 5.00pm

We warmly invite you to the C2D3 Computational Biology Annual Symposium 2024!

This event is open to everyone in the Computational Biology Community.

Packaging and Publishing Python Code for Research workshop
University of Cambridge event
Wednesday, 1 May 2024, 9.00am to 5.00pm

Would you like to learn how to package and share your code? The Accelerate Programme are planning a one day workshop to equip researchers with knowledge of workflows and tools they can use to package and publish their code. Participants will have the opportunity for hands on experience packaging and publishing a project.

University of Cambridge event
Monday, 13 May 2024, 9.30am to Wednesday, 15 May 2024, 5.00pm

This award winning course is intended to provide a strong foundation in practical statistics and data analysis using the R software environment. The underlying philosophy of the course is to treat statistics as a practical skill rather than as a theoretical subject and as such the course focuses on methods for addressing real-life issues in the biological sciences.

There are three core goals for this course:

7th Cambridge International Conference on Machine Learning and AI in (Bio)Chemical Engineering
University of Cambridge event
Tuesday, 2 July 2024, 10.00am to Wednesday, 3 July 2024, 5.00pm

02-03 July 2024
Main conference In person-only event

Paleo workshop
C2D3 event
Monday, 8 July 2024, 9.00am to Friday, 12 July 2024, 5.00pm

Co-organisers: Dr. J. Andrés Christen (CIMAT), Dr. Maarten Blaauw (Queen's University Belfast), Dr. Joan-Albert Sánchez-Cabeza (UNAM), Dr. Ana Carolina Ruiz Fernández (UNAM) and Dr. Lysanna Anderson (USGS)

Welcome to the PaleoStats Workshop: AI and Statistical Innovations for Palaeoecological Research

Forthcoming talks

A collation of interesting data science talks from across the University.

Computational Neuroscience Journal Club

Wednesday, 1 May 2024, 3.00pm to 5.00pm
Speaker: Rui Xia, Youjing Yu
Venue: CBL Seminar Room, Engineering Department, 4th floor Baker building

Please join us for our Computational Neuroscience journal club on Wednesday 1st May at 2pm UK time in the CBL seminar room

The title is “Feedback Controllability is a Normative Theory of Neural Population Dynamics”, presented by Rui Xia and Youjing Yu.


In the production of complex behaviors such as locating, identifying, and grasping food, the brain employs feedback mechanisms, wherein the outputs of a system are rerouted as inputs. Despite substantial evidence supporting feedback control as a normative theory of behavior, if and how feedback control explains neural population dynamics has been largely unarticulated.

In this journal club, we will explore the concept of feedback controllability as a normative theory for understanding neural population dynamics [1]. We will first introduce foundational mathematical concepts of control theory, including controllability, feedback controllers, particularly the Linear Quadratic Regulator. Subsequently, we will discuss the novel dimensionality reduction methods designed to identify subspaces within neural population data that are most feed-forward controllable (FFC) vs. feedback controllable (FBC). Experimental results are then presented to show FBC subspaces as better decoders of behavior and how these two subspaces carry distinct computations with differing regimes of emergent dynamics.

[1] Bouchard, Kristofer, and Ankit Kumar. “Feedback Controllability is a Normative Theory of Neural Population Dynamics.” (2024)

Language modelling for the sake of language modelling

Thursday, 2 May 2024, 12.00pm to 1.00pm
Speaker: Nikos Aletras, University of Sheffield
Venue: GR04, English Faculty Building, 9 West Road, Sidgwick Site

The scientific innovation in natural language processing (NLP) is at its fastest pace to date, driven by advances in large language models (LLMs). LLMs power multipurpose chatbots, search engines and coding assistants, unleashing a new era of automation.

In this talk, I will attempt to give you a sense of how and to what extent LLMs learn about language. I will show that they can retain remarkable capabilities even by training them under extreme settings, i.e. to perform tasks that might be completely incomprehensible to or impossible for humans.

Optimal approaches with Zig

Thursday, 2 May 2024, 2.00pm to 3.00pm
Speaker: Fergus Baker - University of Bristol
Venue: West Hub, South Room

When much discussion is given to which C/C++ successor language we will
eventually have to rewrite all our codebases in, Zig takes a different approach;
Zig wants to coexist, so that instead of "rewrite it in Y", we "maintain it with
Zig". In this talk, I will give an overview of the language, both as a systems
programming language, and as a (C/C++) build system. I will focus on features
that sets the language apart, how these enable optimal approaches in problem
solving, and how you can use Zig today in your existing projects. I will also
chart directions the language is developing in, and where and why these
developments might be relevant for HPC.

From Machine Learning Parameterization to Full Model Emulation

Friday, 3 May 2024, 12.00pm to 1.00pm
Speaker: David John Gagne - Head of Machine Integration and Learning for Earth Systems, NCAR
Venue: MR5 DAMTP and online

The Machine Integration and Learning for Earth Systems (MILES) group at the US NSF National Center for Atmospheric Research collaborates with groups across the weather/climate spectrum to develop physics-informed machine learning systems that integrate closely with existing community physics-based models. One of our first emulation projects focused on the development of a spectral bin warm-rain microphysics emulator for the Community Atmospheric Model. In recent work, we have reduced our original 7 neural network model to 1 and 3 neural network versions that we have integrated into CAM with a fortran-based neural network inference framework. We have also developed a machine learning surface layer parameterization based on observed near surface atmospheric conditions and surface fluxes. We have tested this model within WRF and the FastEddy GPU LES model to understand some of the sensitivities and important variables. Finally, I will discuss some preliminary results from our new full atmospheric model emulator, the Community Runnable Earth Digital Intelligence Twin (CREDIT). The model is trained on ERA5 model level output and can perform stable 1-hour rollouts to 10 days with a single model. We intend the framework to support community training and inference of AI weather models.

Hybrid participants can join using the following zoom link:

Title to be confirmed

Friday, 3 May 2024, 1.00pm to 2.00pm
Speaker: Speaker to be confirmed
Venue: FW26, William Gates Building. Zoom link:

Abstract not available