Logo use policy

This page describes the acceptable use of the C2D3 logo.

This logo is available to use for collaborative projects, documents, events etc. after discussion with C2D3. Different sizes of the logo are available, including options for print and screen. In some circumstances our white or black logo maybe used, typically for aesthetic purposes.

Please discuss your requirements with us and to obtain a high-quality logo: coordinator@c2d3.cam.ac.uk


Inline Gradient - preferred logo displayed below

The logo consists of the C2D3 component and the full name. Typically, the two elements are to be reproduced together in the blue/green colour gradient scheme (known as the ‘inline gradient’ version) to maintain a consistent visible identity for C2D3.

C2D3 preferred logo


Size, position on page, disallowed use:

The full logo policy is available on request. Of note from the policy includes the following information about size, position on page and disallowed use.

Logo policy size requirements
Logo policy position and disallowed

About us

The Cambridge Centre for Data-Driven Discovery (C2D3) brings together researchers and expertise from across the academic departments and industry to drive research into the analysis, understanding and use of data science and AI. C2D3 is an Interdisciplinary Research Centre at the University of Cambridge.

  • Supports and connects the growing data science and AI research community 
  • Builds research capacity in data science and AI to tackle complex issues 
  • Drives new research challenges through collaborative research projects 
  • Promotes and provides opportunities for knowledge transfer 
  • Identifies and provides training courses for students, academics, industry and the third sector 
  • Serves as a gateway for external organisations 

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