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Breaking the code: Alan Turing’s legacy in 2021

Wednesday, 16 June 2021, 12.30pm to 2.00pm

The Alan Turing Intitute

Ahead of the June 23 release into circulation of the new Turing £50 banknote (and Alan's 109th birthday), The Alan Turing Institute is hosting a virtual lunchtime panel discussion exploring the life and legacy of Alan Turing to find out why he still means so much, to so many. 

Our speakers' expertise range from Turing's personal history, his work at Bletchley Park and his scientific legacy as one of the founding fathers of artificial intelligence and modern computing.

This free event will explore what we can learn from Alan Turing’s legacy, from the perspective of the national institute of data science and AI created in his name, and what that means in 2021, picking out the positive action points that we can take forward to better science and society as a whole.

We’ll be asking our panellists why Alan Turing means so much to them, in order to understand the huge reach he’s had across so many scientific fields.


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