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Restricted - Coordinated Call: NIHR/EPSRC Systems Engineering Innovation hubs for Multiple long-term Conditions (SEISMIC) - Development Phase

Closing date: 
Thursday, 8 December 2022

Coordinated call: NIHR/EPSRC Systems Engineering Innovation hubs for Multiple long-term Conditions (SEISMIC) - Development Phase (internal deadline: 8th December, 2022) 

NIHR and EPSRC have announced the Systems Engineering Innovation hubs for Multiple long-term Conditions (SEISMIC) - Development Phase call.

NIHR/EPSRC invite proposals from multi-disciplinary teams to take a systems design and engineering approach to improve services for people with multiple long-term conditions (MLTC) and their carers. Systems Engineering for the purpose of this call means taking a systems approach/thinking and applying it to the health and care system. A systems approach for health and care considers all relevant elements of a complex system – people, design, systems, and risk - and the nature and performance of the interfaces between them to drive transformation.

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The Cambridge Centre for Data-Driven Discovery (C2D3) brings together researchers and expertise from across the academic departments and industry to drive research into the analysis, understanding and use of data science and AI. C2D3 is an Interdisciplinary Research Centre at the University of Cambridge.

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