High Performance Computing Service
The primary mission of the High Performance Computing Service (HPCS) is the delivery and support of a large HPC resource for use by the University of Cambridge research community. The principal facilities consist of a large CPU compute cluster (Darwin) and a world-leading energy efficient GPU compute cluster (Wilkes). We welcome users from all disciplines within the University and of all levels of experience. The HPCS also provides one component of the DiRAC distributed supercomputing facility funded by STFC.
Please visit the HPC website for more information on the service they provide.
HPC Training Courses
The University Information Services (UIS) provides training courses and on occasions an introduction to HPC. A list of UIS training courses can be found on the central university training website (Raven login required). If you can't find an HPC or UIS course you are looking for, please contact UIS training.
Research Data Management
There is an increased emphasis and importance on managing and sharing data produced in research. Many of the research funders supporting work at the University of Cambridge require that research data are openly available with as few restrictions as possible.
The University of Cambridge Research Data Management team offers support for researchers in managing their research data and ensuring compliance with funder policies on open data. Visit the Research Data Management website for information on research data management, guidelines and advice on complying with open data mandates from funding bodies., as well as assistance with uploading your data into the University's open data repository.
Training resources
To suggest a course for inclusion on this list please contact us with the training resource details.
The Statistics Clinic
Established in 2009, the Statistics Clinic aims to offer free statistical consulting services to all university members. Once a fortnight during term, and monthly during vacations, statisticians are available to meet with researchers (graduate students and research staff), to provide advice on questions relating to uncertainty, hypothesis testing, data modelling and inference in a friendly environment.
Social Science Research Methods Programme
The training programme offered by the Social Science Research Methods Programme (SSRMP) is a shared platform for providing research students with a broad range of quantitative and qualitative research methods skills, at both basic and more advanced levels; skills that are relevant across the social sciences.
For more information, visit the website.
Bioinformatics and computational biology
The Bioinformatics Training Facility of the School of Biological Sciences offers a broad range of undergraduate and postgraduate hands-on training courses focused on bioinformatics and computational biology. These training activities aim at enabling life scientists to effectively handle and interpret biological data.