Dr Ronita Bardhan
Associate Professor of Sustainable Built Environment
Contact information
James Dyson Building
Trumpington Street
United Kingdom
Dr Ronita Bardhan is an architectural engineer and urban studies educator, with a PhD in urban engineering. Bardhan leads the research group - Cambridge Sustainable Design Group (SDG). Her research is centered around data-driven design of built environment for precision prevention from health and energy burdens in the warming climate. She triangulates building physics, engineering, machine learning / AI and social science data to develop solutions for realising health and low-carbon energy potential in built environments. Bardhan works on climate heat stress & health in built environment. She has extensively worked in Slum Rehabilitation (social) housing (in India, Indonesia, Ethiopia, Kenya, South Africa and Brazil). Her impactful work has received traction from policymakers and has received wide coverage in the news media.
Bardhan holds associate and visiting positions at Cambridge Public Health; Cambridge Infectitous Disease & Department of Computer Science and Technology. Ronita is part of AI for Environmental Risk, Cambridge Public Health, Centre for Science and Policy, Cambridge Zero , Cambridge Global Challenges and Sustainability Leadership for Built Environment (IDBE). She advises multiple international agencies on affordable housing, health & climate extreme events.
She is Director of Research & Deputy Head of Department of Architecture. Dr Bardhan is Director of Studies and Fellow in Architecture at Selwyn College in Cambridge. Bardhan Chairs the Research Ethics Committee at the Department of Architecture and History of Arts, and is member of the Cambridge Environmental Sustainability Strategy Committee at the University. She is strongly committed to and is an ardent advocate of the shared vision of equality, diversity, inclusion, and belonging in all spheres of her research and teaching. She believes that everyone benefits from strength in difference and that diversity is instrumental to success.
Research interests
Data-Driven Design of built-environment for health
Artificial intelligence, Data science, Environmental modelling, Image analysis, Neural networks, Statistical inference