Eagle Genomics

Eagle Genomics

Eagle Genomics are experts in microbiome science and based at the Wellcome Genome Campus, in Hinxton, Cambridgeshire.

The engagement started with an Industry-Academic Roundtable event allowing industry to get an insight into AI research and support and brainstorming with some of the world leader academics in the field, The results of this partnernship were the discussions around gaps in research, the identification of available data sets, and  scoping potential future funding calls. Eanglo Genomics-Cambridge relationship is based upon the opportunity to apply for joint research grant and jointly carry out research.

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About us

The Cambridge Centre for Data-Driven Discovery (C2D3) brings together researchers and expertise from across the academic departments and industry to drive research into the analysis, understanding and use of data science and AI. C2D3 is an Interdisciplinary Research Centre at the University of Cambridge.

  • Supports and connects the growing data science and AI research community 
  • Builds research capacity in data science and AI to tackle complex issues 
  • Drives new research challenges through collaborative research projects 
  • Promotes and provides opportunities for knowledge transfer 
  • Identifies and provides training courses for students, academics, industry and the third sector 
  • Serves as a gateway for external organisations 

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