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2023 Collaboration Day for Interdisciplinary Data Science and AI

Cambridge Centre for Data-Driven Discovery invited members of the University of Cambridge to a Collaboration Day for Interdisciplinary Data Science and AI Research. During the half-day we heard research from academics, discuss edhow we can do more together to leverage our collective expertise, and catalyse synergies between research programmes. In addition to the formal programme, there were exhibits from data science or AI-themed Cambridge initiatives, centres and programmes.

Monday, 9 January 2023, 12.00pm to 5.00pm

Location: Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Wilberforce Road, Cambridge, CB3 0WA

Speaker slides

Slides are available for University of Cambridge staff and students. Use your Raven login to access our member resource pages.


12:00-13:00 Lunch

13:00- 14:30 Session 1: Chairperson Prof. Zoe Kourtzi, C2D3 co-Chair


  •  Prof. Zoe Kourtzi, C2D3 co-Chair, C2D3 co-chair

Introduction with The Alan Turing Institute

  • Dr Adam Sobey, Professor of Data-Centric Engineering, University of Southampton, and Group Lead for Marine and Maritime in the Data-Centric Engineering Programme of The Alan Turing Institute

Research showcase talks

  • Prof. John Aston, Cambridge Mathematics of Information in Healthcare hub (CMIH)
  • Prof. Ole Paulsen, Centre for Integrative Neuroscience Discovery (CIND)
  • Prof. Angela Wood, Department of Public Health and Primary Care
  • Dr Jat Singh, Department of Computer Science & Technology
  • Prof. Alexei Lapkin, Innovation Centre in Digital Molecular Technologies (iDMT)

14:30-15:15 Exhibition of programmes, initiatives and centres during refreshment breaks

15:15-16:45 Session 2: Chairperson Prof. Colm-cille Caulfield, C2D3 co-Chair 

Research showcase talks

  • Dr Dominic Orchard, Institute of Computing for Climate Science (ICCS)
  • Prof. Alexandra Brintrup, Supply Chain Artificial Intelligence Lab, Institute for Manufacturing (IfM)
  • Prof. José Miguel Hernández Lobato, Machine Learning Group, Engineering

Round table

  • Discussion on collective expertise and synergies
  • Opportunity for teams and researchers to connect

16:45 onwards Networking

About us

The Cambridge Centre for Data-Driven Discovery (C2D3) brings together researchers and expertise from across the academic departments and industry to drive research into the analysis, understanding and use of data science and AI. C2D3 is an Interdisciplinary Research Centre at the University of Cambridge.

  • Supports and connects the growing data science and AI research community 
  • Builds research capacity in data science and AI to tackle complex issues 
  • Drives new research challenges through collaborative research projects 
  • Promotes and provides opportunities for knowledge transfer 
  • Identifies and provides training courses for students, academics, industry and the third sector 
  • Serves as a gateway for external organisations 

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